What are Babies' Milestones? How Should a Baby Grow?


What are Babies' Milestones? How Should a Baby Grow?

Monthly baby milestones refer to the significant developmental achievements that infants typically reach during their first year of life. Each child develops at their own pace, so while some babies may start crawling at six months, others may not yet be able to roll over from their tummy. The developmental stages of every child are unique, but theoretically, babies will follow these milestones throughout their first year.

1 Month Old Baby Milestones

At one month, babies begin to notice faces and see bold patterns, especially in black and white. They recognize the sound of their parent's voice, start to coo and make sounds beyond simple crying. Babies at this age also bring their hands within range of their eyes and mouth and move their heads side to side when lying on their stomachs.

2 Month Old Baby Milestones

By two months, babies start to recognize people at a distance and smile. They begin to follow objects with their eyes, briefly calm themselves, and may bring their hands to their mouths to self-soothe. Babies can get fussy and act bored if the activity doesn’t change. They also start holding their heads up and pushing up when lying on their tummies, making smoother movements with their arms and legs.

3 Month Old Baby Milestones

At three months, babies can distinguish faces, have different cries for different needs such as hunger or pain, and open and shut their hands. They turn their heads away to express boredom, swipe at dangling objects, follow moving objects with their eyes, and turn their heads in the direction of sounds. Babies at this stage enjoy playing with others and may cry when the play stops.

4 Month Old Baby Milestones

By four months, babies start giggling and laughing, copying facial expressions, and reaching for toys with one hand. They can hold their heads steady without support and push up onto their elbows when lying on their tummies.

5 Month Old Baby Milestones

At five months, babies begin to roll over from their tummies to their backs. They explore toys by putting them in their mouths, babble, and enjoy looking at themselves in mirrors. Babies at this age can entertain themselves for short periods.

6 Month Old Baby Milestones

By six months, babies start creeping along the floor and sitting unaided. They can pass things from one hand to the other, begin to understand simple words, and respond to their names.

7 Month Old Baby Milestones

At seven months, babies enjoy dropping things on the floor and play simple games like peekaboo. They begin to respond to the word "no" and can find partially hidden objects.

8 Month Old Baby Milestones

By eight months, babies begin crawling and can stand while holding onto something. They develop a pincer grasp, using their thumb and index finger.

9 Month Old Baby Milestones

At nine months, babies may become wary of strangers and cling to familiar people. They have favourite toys, make various sounds like "mama" and "bababababa," copy sounds and gestures of others, and use fingers to point to things.

10 Month Old Baby Milestones

By ten months, babies explore things in different ways, such as shaking, banging, and throwing. They can pull themselves to stand and start cruising along furniture. Babies can get into a sitting position without help and begin feeding themselves finger foods.

11 Month Old Baby Milestones

At eleven months, babies understand object permanence and can crawl upstairs while supervised. They make sounds with changes in tone that sound more like speech and may develop separation anxiety.

12 Month Old Baby Milestones

By twelve months, babies respond to simple spoken requests and use basic gestures like shaking their heads for "no" or waving for "bye-bye." They can say "mama" and "dada" and exclamations like "oh oh." Babies start using objects correctly, such as drinking from a cup or brushing their hair. They may stand alone and take a few steps without holding on.

🗒️ Answer

Monthly baby milestones track significant developmental achievements in an infant's first year. Every child develops at their own pace, but generally follows a pattern of milestones. At one month, babies begin to recognize faces and voices. By two months, they start smiling and holding their heads up. At three months, they can distinguish different faces and sounds. Four months old, babies giggle and reach for toys. By five months, they start rolling over. Six months old, they may begin to sit unaided. By seven months, babies play simple games and respond to "no." At eight months, they start crawling. Nine months, they may show stranger anxiety and favourite toys. By ten months, they explore in various ways and pull to stand. Eleven months, they understand object permanence. At twelve months, babies respond to requests and start walking.

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