What is normal baby sleep routine
Ahhhh Baby sleep routine, you can love them or hate them, everybody wants to known what is babies normal sleep routine ?
*Newborns do not perform 'routines' as they are still emotionally and physically maturing and developing.
*You can see a cute pattern that you think will last for life, and in a heartbeat it changes and the only predictable thing is a lack of predictability.
*Early routines are not natural for all children, but in the first few months you will see more and more patterns in their behaviour.
*Do yourself a big favour, just believe that a pattern will emerge and don't rush it.
*If you are in a hurry to create a routine for predictability, you may well find that all goes out the window because what you want is not what your child can do right this minute.
* With a lack of ability to understand their needs, a child may start crying or fussing or eating poorly because they have been put into a routine before they can cope.
*The first 2 to 3 months are for love, cuddles and adjustment for both parents and children.
* A pattern begins to emerge naturally in about 3 to 4 months.
*Newborns are not made for strict routines, they often need to be weaned because their stomachs are small and can only hold small amounts of milk, so they feed frequently.
* You will notice that if you support it, a pattern will begin to emerge, for example, at night, offer feeds in a calm, non-stimulating manner, with low light, minimal talking and cuddles, then back to sleep.
* During the day, once fed, it is a lovely time for 'chat' time or simply to look at each other's eyes. Nothing major, but when your child grows, it will become play time.
*The most important thing to remember is not to try to involve the child in the routine.
*When you see a child tired, it is bedtime.
*When a child wakes up they are usually hungry.
*When a child is crying it is time!
*Stay flexible so that your baby's initial changes don't bother you.
* Watch your child to see what they are telling you so that you can offer timely and proper care to your growing bundle that sparks every emotion in you that is known to human kind!
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